David Strozzi's Theses
- Vlasov Simulations of Kinetic Enhancement of Raman
Backscatter in Laser Fusion Plasmas. PhD Thesis at
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (unpublished).
Advisor: Prof. A. Bers.
- On the Origin of Interannual and Irregular Behavior in the
El Nino.Senior Thesis at Princeton University (unpublished).
Advisor: Prof. J. Vallis.
- Needles from Haystacks: The Search for the Lepton Flavor-Violating
Decay tau -> mu gamma. Junior Paper at Princeton University
(unpublished). Advisor: Prof. D. Marlow.
- Schrodinger's Cyber-Cat: How to Simulate Quantum Mechanics on
a Computer. Junior Paper at Princeton Univesity (unpublished).
Advisor: Prof. V. Periwal. [PDF]