David Strozzi's Home Page

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8814-3791
Researchgate: D Strozzi
Welcome to my home page!
I am a physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. I work on theoretical and computational plasma physics, principally for the National Ignition Facility and inertial confinement fusion. My current and past interests include kinetic plasma theory, Vlasov codes, laser-plasma interaction, Raman scattering, fast ignition, radiation-hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) modeling of high-energy-density systems, and wave-particle interactions.
Science Documents
Scientific Papers
Scientific Presentations
Book Chapters
Complete CV, 08 Jan. 2021 [PDF]
Computing Tools
Tools I either develop or maintain or am a big fan of. Please contact me if interested in one that is not publicly available.
- QnD: quick 'n' dirty Python package for working with binary files: HDF5, NetCDF3, and PDB: freely available on GitHub.
- Yorick: free and open-source interperted environment for numerical and scientific work, written by David Munro. Like Matlab, but faster and no GUI - though emacs provides a great user interface. Influenced numpy and other Python tools. Available on GitHub.
- NEWLIP: A package for the interpreted environment Yorick, for performing plasma physics calculations. It is especially geared toward laser-plasma interactions, such as Brillouin and Raman scattering gain exponents. Ed Williams is the principal author of the code, I now maintain it.
- DEPLETE: An extension to NEWLIP, for solving the coupled-mode equations for Brillouin and Raman scattering. It goes beyond NEWLIP in that it includes physical noise sources and pump depletion.
- ELVIS (Eulerian-Lagrangian Vlasov Integrator with Splines): I developed this 1D-1V Eulerian Vlasov code as part of my PhD thesis on Raman scattering. Magdi Shourci provided the original Fortran source code and much advice.